Welcome to my home page ! Kiss you !!!!!!!!!!!!


Mahir's original page:


This is my page .......


I KISS YOU !!!!!


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I like music , I have many many music enstrumans my home I can play

I like sport , swiming , basketball , tenis , volayball , walk .........

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I like sex

I like travel I go 3-4 country every year

I went , Germany , Nederland , Belgium , Austria , Denmark , Sweden , Hungary

Moldovia , Ukraina , Bulgaria , Romania , Macedonia , Azerbaijan , Georrgia , Iran .....

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My profession jurnalist , music and sport teacher , I make psycolojy doctora

I like to take foto-camera (amimals , towns , nice nude models and peoples).....

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My tall 1.84 cm (6.2 feet) My weight 78 kg.

My eyes green ..  I live alone !!!!!!!!!

I have home - car .........

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I like to be friendship from different country ..

I live in TURKEY -town IZMIR ...( 4 million peoples - near the sea - old history)...


Who is want to come TURKEY  I can invitate .....

She can stay my home ........

I speake turkish , english , rusian , I want to learn other language !  


mobil       tel: ++ 90 532 312 35 30

home fax tel: ++ 90 232 486 39 83

home       tel:++ 90 232 461 13 81

Letter Adress: 379 st. No:24       35090 - Camdibi-IZMIR-TURKEY

e-mail : mahircagri_ukoad@hotmail.com




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This Page was Made from Recycle Recycled Cyber Materials

This is unofficial Mahir site inspired by positive energy expressed in his original web page.
